paul de vroom architecten


Office information
Paul de Vroom Architecten has its base in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and is founded by Paul de Vroom in april 2013. With this office Paul de Vroom has embarked on a new and challenging course after being founder-partner of DKV Architecten from 1984 on. With DKV, Paul de Vroom has realized a sequence of projects in the fields of housing, urban planning, commercial and public building which have been received with acclaim in their homeland and abroad. In the course of time the office worked on projects in and near Barcelona, in Scandinavia, Germany and Belgium. At the moment a large housing district designed by Paul de Vroom architects is being implemented in Greater Moscow. Apart from its built projects Paul de Vroom architects is known for its analytical working method based on typological models.

Personal information
Paul de Vroom has graduated with honours at the TU-Delft. After a close involvement in the first three years of OMA-Rotterdam he co-founded DKV. He is visiting professor at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam and also teached and lectured at the other universities and academies of Holland. Furthermore he gives lectures and is involved in workshops in many places abroad, from cities like Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Toronto to Madrid, Milan, Karslruhe, Bucarest, Sofia, Moscow and Dushanbé (Kyrgistan). Paul de Vroom lives and works simultaneously in Rotterdam and Barcelona, Catalunya, a region were he frequently is involved in lecturing, teaching and investigation. Furthermore he has been jury member for several international workshops and awards. He has been guest-editor of British magazine Time-Based Architecture and member of the editorial staff of the Dutch architectural magazine Forum.

Paul de Vroom

1981 Graduates with honours at TU Delft (with Dolf Dobbelaar); Tutors Rem Koolhaas, Stanislaus Von Moos and Rein Saariste
1982 – 1984 Works at Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam
1985 DKV Architects founded in Rotterdam, directors Dolf Dobbelaar, Herman de Kovel, Paul de Vroom
2003 – 2009 Directors DKV: Roel Bosch, Herman de Kovel, Wico Valk and Paul de Vroom
2009 – 2013 Directors DKV: Roel Bosch, Herman de Kovel and Paul de Vroom
2013 Paul de Vroom Architect founded in Rotterdam


2016 – 2018 Lectures in Holland and abroad on various topics: The future of brickwork architecture at the 2017 Russian Brick Awards in Moscow. Thomas Karsten and the contemporary Indonesian architecture for ICOMOS at Dutch Culture Amsterdam and at the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague. 2016: Interactive lecture on own works and methods at the Univerdad Catolica, Santiago de Chile

2011 – 2015 Various lectures in Holland and abroad on own works and methods:
TU Delft, University of Architecture (UACG) Sofia,ETSAB Barcelona, House of Builders Dushanbé, (Tajikistan), Rotterdam Academy of Architecture, Dutch Cultural Centre ‘het Erasmushuis’ Jakarta (Indonesia)
2007 – 2011 Various lectures in Holland and abroad on the city of Barcelona and on working in Russia: TU Delft, AETA Amsterdam, Novaya Skhodnya (Russia)
2006 – 2010 Various lectures in Holland on own works and methods in TU Delft, AvB Amsterdam, Arcam-lecture (icw.Herman de Kovel) Brakke Grond Amsterdam
2006 -2010 Various lectures abroad on own works and methods abroad: Ion MIncu University Boekarest , ETSAB Barcelona, ETSAM Madrid, Semana de la Cultura ETSAS Sevilla, UDG University of Girona [Spain], La Salle University Barcelona, Escola de Cidade Sao Paulo (Brazil), within the context “Nuevas Visiones”: Sociedad Central de Arquitectos Buenos Aires SCA (Argentina), on the ‘2ªInternational Conference I3CON’ Madrid
1980 – 2005 Various lectures in Holland on urban studies and own works: Architectural Academies of Amsterdam, Groningen, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Tilburg, on the Universities of Delft and Eindhoven. The “Unie” Rotterdam.
1980 – 2005 Various lectures abroad on urban studies and own works: Architectural Academy Arhüs (DK,“87), Arhüs House of architects (“01”) (Denmark), University of Leuven (Belgium), Universities of Stuttgart, Berlin and Karlsruhe, the “Architektur Sommer Lübeck” (Germany), the John Moore University Liverpool (UK), Architural Academy of Strasbourg, Architectural Academy of Montpellier (France), Politecnico Milan, University of Sassari-Alghero (Italy), University of Samara, Architectural Academy Marchi Moscow, Dom Arkitektura Nizny Novgorod and Samara (Russia), Vizar Awards Sofia (Bulgaria), ETSAB Barcelona, ETSAV Sant Cugat del Vallés (Spain) City Hall de Montevideo (Uruguay), City hall of Toronto (Canada)
1980 – 2003 Various lectures in Holland and abroad on diverse topics: AvB Rotterdam: “Russian formalism”, TU Delft: “Modernista architect J.M.Jujol”, AvB Rotterdam: “Constructionism”, AvB Amsterdam: “Architecture and Professional Literature”, Dom Architektura Samara (Russia): “The Hidden Agenda of the Architect”

Various activities

2018 Member Commission “Certificaat Bijzondere Kwaliteit Prestaties” – Bureau Architectenregister

2016 -2017 Visiting professor Academy of Architecture (ontwerp oefening, research oefening)

2015 Author Madrid Excursion Guide (Hunter Douglas Archiprix International 2015)
Visiting professor short-term assigment, University of Architecture (UACG) Sofia
2014 – 2015 Curator ‘Archiprix studytrip Madrid 2015’
Visiting professor and examinator AvB Amsterdam
2014 Participant in two panel discussions on Moscow Oblast Forum on invitation of the Guild of Property Managers and Developers
2013 Jury member international competition ‘Collider Activity Center’, Sofia
Member Commission “Certificaat Bijzondere Kwaliteit Prestaties” – Bureau Architectenregister
Participation talkshow ‘Russia in Dutch architecture’, het Nieuwe Instituut (former NAI)
2010 – 2011 Visiting professor Rotterdam Academy of Architecture
2009 – 2010 Visiting professor Post Graduate course, University La Salle Barcelona
2009 Visiting professor workshop: ‘Reinventing Housing Design in the Amsterdam Water World’, University of Girona
2008 Guest editor ‘Time-Based Architecture International’, Theme Barcelona.
2008 Guest editor ‘Time-Based Architecture International’, Theme DKV architects.
2008 Critic International Workshop: “Strategies for the Coolsingel, Rotterdam” organized by Docomomo NL.
2007 Member of the Jury for Final Diploma Projects, University La Salle BCN
2006 – 2012 Member of editorial staff of Forum, architecture magazine
2006 Participant Evening Seminar on Dutch Housing and Urbanism, Amsterdam (University of Minnesota)
2006 Initiator of a series of lectures “Conferencia en la Terazza”, Barcelona (with Jet Christiaanse)
2005 Critic Seminario de Montevideo, Invited guest Toronto Housing Symposium
2004 – 2011 Critic TE’TSAB summer workshop University of Barcelona
2004 Critic International Workshop on the Naumon ship (Mies van der Rohe foundation)
2004 Critic student projects on the coast of Carnon, Université de Montpellier
2003 Juror Vizar Award for 12 years of Modern Architecture in Bulgaria
2002 – 2007 Studies on past and recent urban developments in Barcelona (“Barcelona City of Barrios”, S&RO Magazine of NIROV, nr. 6 – 2003)
2002 Critic on student projects for the competition Berlin-Mitte, Politecnico Milan
2001 – 2003 Expert-critic Architectural Award for Modern Architecture in Niznij Novgorod
1999 Participant International Design Group, urban design of “District 75” Moscow
1998 – 1999 Advisor/interviewer for the documentary “Konstantin Melnikov” by M. Leupers and Jet Christiaanse
1996 – 2001 Participant of yearly Architectural Seminar Samara Russia (various publications)
1992 – 1996 Member of the Committee for Architectural Quality, Breda
1992 – present Visiting professor at Amsterdam Academie of Architecture
1992 – 2003 Visiting professor at Rotterdam Academie of Architecture
1990 Visiting professor at the Berlage Institute, Amsterdam
1987 – 1989 Visiting professor at TU Delft
1984 – 2000 Continuation urban studies “Blue Suitcase”
1984 Supervisor of the Seminar on Art and Architecture, Academy of Arts in Arnhem
1983 First Biënnale of Young Dutch Architects (with Dobbelaar and de Kovel)
1981 Winner of Archiprix (in collaboration with Dolf Dobbelaar)
1976 – 2000 Study of Modernista architecture in Catalonia resulting in several publications

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