Flexible tower with 54 apartments and a parking garage.
The apartment block on the Sloterplas (lake) is a component of the ‘Meer en Oever’ renovation plan drawn up by KuiperCompagnons. In this plan, the existing Meer en Vaart boulevard has been extended in a straight line, with a different architectural principle being applied on either side of the lane. To the west, there is the original structure with rectangular building blocks. On the east side, there is a loose composition of three building volumes. Within this configuration, the high-rise apartment block ought to function as the accent of the suburb, the beacon. Because the regulations prohibit the building protruding above the surroundings, the allure has not been sought in an emphasis of the height but rather in the form of the building. The apartment block is a pure cylinder that rests upon a narrow substructure by means of an eaves-like construction, which lends it the appearance of an archetypical water tower. The tower stands on a ‘terp’ (a terp is a historical artificial dwelling mound) accommodating the parking places. It is crowned by roof gardens lined with greenery.
The round form has practical advantages. The organization of the floor plans is clear and flexible. There is a small central core with staircases and lifts, surrounded by a corridor zone that gives access to the apartments. Then there is a zone with pipes and ducts, a service zone, and enveloping these zones there is living area that extends outward to the façade. This living area can be partitioned into various rooms. As a consequence, it is possible to determine the size and quantity of the rooms in each apartment at a later date, and thus also the total number of apartments in the block. The main construction is a steel column and beam structure with a concrete core. The interior structure consists of lightweight dividing walls, while the exterior consists of a light façade of aluminium panels with an alternating pattern of glass and metal plating.
Winner of the Amsterdam New Estate Prize 2009
The inhabitants of Amsterdam have chosen the Schutterstoren as the most excellent residential project of 2008. The tower has been praised of the beautiful vista, the position in the green, the luxurious finishing touch and the futuristic radiation, while by Amsterdam standards reasonably priced too.
interview Paul de Vroom
Paul de Vroom partner in charge DKV architecten